Phoenix Pain Management is a multi-disciplined practice.

A Phoenix pain management specialist is a medical doctor or osteopath who treats your pain as a result of trauma, sickness, or dysfunction. Although they are known as Phoenix pain management specialists, they are often anesthesiologists or physicians of physiatry. Phoenix pain management is a multidisciplinary team consortium that includes your primary care physician or other treating physicians, as well as specialists in chiropractic, physical therapy, radiology, complementary alternative medicine, and other fields such as psychiatry, psychology, and even oncology.

Education And Training Are Two Important Aspects Of All Our Phoenix Pain Management Doctors

After graduating from medical school and completing a one-year internship, the most typical choices for doctors are anesthesiology or physical medicine residency programs. Other specialties, including neurology and psychiatry, may be considered for residency. Following completion of a residency program (which normally lasts three years), the doctor goes on to attend a one-year fellowship in pain medicine to acquire further training.

The American Board of Pain Medicine has certified a huge number of Phoenix pain management experts. All of the organizations that certify anesthesiologists, physiatrists, neurologists, and psychiatrists are collaborating to administer the Pain Medicine subspecialty board test. Pain management specialists continue their medical education and training throughout their careers. Attending society meetings and reading peer-reviewed scientific publications are two ways pain management practitioners may stay up to date on the newest technical and medical breakthroughs in the area.

Phoenix Pain Management Objectives

The ultimate objective of pain management medicine is to treat acute or chronic pain by lowering both the frequency and intensity of your suffering. In addition to addressing your pain issues and other concerns, an integrated pain management program may address your functional goals for activities of daily living. A pain management program’s ultimate objective is for you to feel better, be more active (including returning to work), and have little or no dependency on medication.

Phoenix Pain Treatment

9140 W Thomas Rd b106, Phoenix, AZ 85037


Phoenix Pain Management

Arizona Pain Management Doctors

Pain Is Treated For A Variety Of Reasons.

Doctors of pain management in Phoenix are educated to handle various sorts of suffering. Acute pain is classified as intense or sharp in nature, and it may suggest a problem. Acute pain is discomfort that happens soon following a dental operation. Chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than six months. This sort of pain is recurrent and can range in severity from moderate to severe. The pain caused by spinal arthritis (spondylosis) is typically persistent. Despite the fact that chronic pain is tough to control, combining several therapies often leads to a positive outcome.

  • Vertebral compression fracture
  • Whiplash
  • Facet joint pain
  • Cervical and/or lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Vertebral compression fracture
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Sciatica
  • Spondylolisthesis

What to Expect During a Phoenix Pain Management Appointment in Arizona

Pain management or interventional pain management expert visits are fairly similar to other medical consultations. Despite the similarities, the focus is on your discomfort, the source or contributing causes, and rapidly reducing or managing it.

Before prescribing medication, pain medicine experts do a physical and neurological examination as well as a review of your medical history, with special focus dedicated to your pain history. You may be asked several questions concerning your discomfort, including the following:

  • Please rate your pain on a scale from zero to ten, with ten being the worst pain you can imagine.
  • When did the suffering begin? What were you doing when the discomfort began?
  • Is pain capable of spreading to other parts of the body?
  • Do you notice a consistent intensity, or does it get worse at different times of the day or night?
  • What can be done to alleviate the discomfort? What contributes to the worsening of pain?
  • I’m curious, what therapies have you tried? What was it that worked? What exactly went wrong?
  • Do you use any over-the-counter medications, vitamins, or herbal supplements to treat your health problems?

What prescription drugs do you regularly take? If yes, what is it, how much of it do you eat, and how frequently do you eat it?

The majority of Phoenix pain management specialists use a standardized drawing of the front and back of the body, which allows you to identify the sites of pain as well as the distribution and type of pain you are experiencing (eg, mild, sharp). It is probable that you may be required to fill out the form each time you see the pain specialist. The completed drawing will be used to assess your treatment progress and outcomes.

Accurate Diagnosis Is Critical to Successful Treatment

The goal of pain medicine is to identify the source or cause of suffering. To diagnose the source of your neck or back discomfort, you may be needed to undergo an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI examination. Other procedures, such as discography, bone scanning, nerve investigations (including electromyography and nerve conduction study), and myelography, may be conducted while treating spine-related pain (which may involve symptoms in the arms or legs). Making an accurate diagnosis is essential for building an effective treatment strategy.

In order to address various spinal diseases and pain, you may need to consult with additional experts, such as your primary care physician (PCP), radiologists, psychiatrics, psychiatry, oncology, nursing, physical therapy, and chiropractic professionals. Phoenix pain management experts may meet with and/or send you to a neurosurgeon or orthopedic spine surgeon to decide if your pain condition necessitates spinal fusion or other kinds of spine surgery.

Phoenix Pain Management is a Spinal Pain Treatment Center. The diagnostic and therapeutic skillsets constitute the foundation of the profession. There are several fundamental principles that may be applied to acquire a better knowledge of the difficulties and then design a more effective management program. Each of these essentials is founded on a foundation of care, knowledge, and comprehensiveness.

Understanding differential diagnosis and physical examination, as well as knowing when to obtain and interpret further tests, are the foundations of patient care. Having the greatest reference medical specialists or therapists to help with therapy is also important, as is the capacity to be a highly renowned and accurate surgeon if surgery is the selected treatment option. Without a doubt, patient happiness is directly related to therapeutic success.

Differential Diagnosis And Phoenix Pain Management Doctors

graphic stating frequent-pain-behind-the-ear

It is vital to be able to discern between possible diagnoses. Dr. William Osler, a well-known Harvard physician, made a wise observation that most doctors remember. “You see what is familiar and discover what you want,” in other words. In other words, if you don’t know what may go wrong, you won’t be able to find it if it exists. The caregiver [treatment provider] must understand what causes pain or symptoms and how to diagnose them. This principle underpins both the science and the art of medicine.

A patient may complain of leg discomfort. Nerve pain, muscular pain, referral (sclerotomal) pain, spinal cord pain, and even poor circulation or a blood clot might be included in the differential. If the doctor fails to consider the likelihood of a blood clot, this might be a major mistake. Even if the therapist has never seen a certain condition, but has read a substantial quantity of material, he or she will be able to recognize it. To be aware of potentially deceptive symptoms and have a thorough differential diagnosis, a physician must be “on their toes.”

Diagnostic Competence of Phoenix Pain Doctors

Experience, a comprehensive history, and a physical examination are the components of diagnostic competency. It is vital to have a firm grasp of the issues at hand. No, I don’t have a family history of back problems or even non-back-related conditions like ulcerative colitis. In certain cases, back pain is caused by a co-morbid condition, which needs a different approach to therapy. The treatment for psoriasis (a common skin condition) varies depending on the probability of spinal issues. It is also critical to investigate whether there are any legal concerns, such as car accidents or job records, and who may be at fault. Legal difficulties might cast a shadow over the past, necessitating special handling.

A thorough examination of a person’s health is required. The vast majority of lumbago and sciatica diagnoses are simply based on the patient’s medical history.

Physical Examination When Experiencing Pain

Experience, a comprehensive history, and a physical examination are the components of diagnostic competency. It is vital to have a firm grasp of the issues at hand. No, I don’t have a family history of back problems or even non-back-related conditions like ulcerative colitis. In certain cases, back pain is caused by a co-morbid condition, which needs a different approach to therapy. The treatment for psoriasis (a common skin condition) varies depending on the probability of spinal issues. It is also critical to investigate whether there are any legal concerns, such as car accidents or job records, and who may be at fault. Legal difficulties might cast a shadow over the past, necessitating special handling.

A thorough examination of a person’s health is required. The vast majority of lumbago and sciatica diagnoses are simply based on the patient’s medical history.

Confirmatory Testing Pain Management

Additional tests (if any) can be administered in addition to the initial impression, and this is the second skill set (presumed diagnosis). A person must be able to request the necessary tests as well as appropriately interpret the results of those tests. If interpreters (for example, radiologists) do not have all of the clinical information, they may be unable to interpret the data. It’s conceivable that the test results will show confusing information.

The following research makes use of spine imaging:

  • X-rays
  • MRIs
  • CAT Scans are performed
  • Bone scans are performed.
  • Tomograms
  • Myelograms
  • SPECT scans are performed
  • EMGs, which measure the electrical activity of the nerves, can provide information that aids in the diagnosis.

Our Pain Doctors Educate You About Your Specific Pain Expression

The capacity to educate the patient about their fundamental condition is the third and most important skill. Patients must be able to comprehend the information in a basic and plain manner. This information must be communicated to the patient in an intelligible way, using visual aids if appropriate. If a patient is unable to grasp and appreciate the disease, treatment will be less successful, and patient expectations for success will be skewed. Low back discomfort is frequently veiled in obscurity and misunderstood. Education solves this mystery and alleviates the fear of venturing into an unfamiliar area.

Treatment Protocol Technique Pain Management

Our pain doctors are experts in developing a treatment plan that is reasonable, successful, and appropriate for you and your loved ones. We don’t have a one-size-fits-all therapy regimen. Our Phoenix pain management experts have exceptional expertise in providing treatment procedures that are tailored to your specific needs as well as your personality. If all other procedures have failed or are too hazardous to undertake, surgery may be required.

Because of the high cost of medical care, which continues to climb year after year, cost-effectiveness in treatment is critical. You may rely on our pain management experts at Phoenix Pain Treatment Center in West Phoenix, Arizona, to prescribe further tests or therapy in an interdisciplinary setting. It’s fairly unusual for a chiropractor to serve as a quarterback, making multiple recommendations, even to a spine surgeon or a neurosurgeon.



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